Hon'ble Joint Secretary of MRUPS Society, Mr. Mohammed Shaheryarullah Sir congratulating and encouraging students to strive for more and strive for best in all fields of education.
Hon'ble Joint Secretary of MRUPS Society, Mr. Mohammed Shaheryarullah Sir felicitating students for the Drawing & Painting Competition held on Children's Day - 14/11/2024.
Esteemed Principal- GEHS & GKW, Mrs. Falak Salah Ma'am congratulating and appreciating the students on a wonderful enactment of parliament session!
Hon'ble Joint Secretary of MRUPS ,Mr. Mohammed Shaheryarullah Sir appreciating students of Nursery to PP2 with certificates on a well conducted Crazy Wheels Day.
Esteemed principal -GEHS & GKW, Mrs Falak Salah Ma'am felicitating GKW students for an exemplary conduction of all aspects on Crazy Wheels Day.
Respected Academic Coordinator, Mrs Humera awarding students certificates for best oration on Crazy Wheels Day.
Hon'ble Joint Secretary Mr. Mohammed Shaheryarullah Sir congratulating students & staff for a successful and derivative event on Space Day.
Hon'ble Joint Secretary of MRUPS, Mr. Mohammed Shaheryarullah Sir felicitating tiny tots of GKW on Space Day.
Esteemed principal of GEHS & GKW, Mrs. Falak Salah Ma'am felicitating the little Gracians on Space Day.
Respected Vice-Principal, Mr. Habeeb Sir felicitating students on Space Day.
Respected Academic Coordinator, Mrs. Humera ma'am felicitating the winners on Space Day..
Felicitations of certificates to the GKW students as a token of appreciation by Hon'ble Joint Secretary Mr. Mohammed Shaheryarullah Sir with the school authorities.
Hon'ble Joint Secretary of MRUPS Society- Janab Mohammed Shaheryar Ullah Sahab appreciating students for the ongoing Hifz-e-Quran on the grand occasion of Mawlid Al Nabi( SAW)
Honorable members of the management of GEHS & GKW- Joint Secretary Janab Shaheryar Ullah Sahab, Director Janab Mohammed Pasha Sahab and Joint Secretary Janab Advocate Mohammed Altamash Ullah Sahab at
Hon'ble Joint Secretary of MRUPS Society, Janab Mohammed Shaheryar Ullah Sahab delivering Salam on Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) on the grand occasion of Mawlid An Nabi SAW.
Hon'ble director of GEHS & GKW Janab Mohammaed Pasha Sahab felicitating the Huffaz of Amma Paara on the grand occasion of Mawlid Al Nabi SAW.
Hon'ble Director of GEHS & GKW and Secretary of MRUPS Society- Mr. Mohammed Pasha Sir inaugrating the launch of Grace Book of Deeniyath along with Joint Secretary of MRUPS Society- Mr. Mohammed Shaher
Respected Vice Principal of the school, Mr. Habeeb Uddin Sir awarding the tiny Gracians on Colors Day.
Respected Academic Coordinator of the school, Mrs. Humera Ma'am donning the winner of Colors Day in GKW.
Esteemed Principal of GEHS & GKW, Mrs. Falak Salah Ma'am felicitating the students for best oration and appreciating parents efforts & cooperation.
Group Activities of Colors Day being conducted under the supervision of Esteemed Principal of GEHS & GKW, Mrs. Falak Salah Ma'am .
Esteemed Principal of GEHS & GKW, Mrs. Falak Salah Ma'am wishing and encouraging the tiny Gracians on Colors Day assembly.
Hon'ble Joint Secretary of MRUPS Society, Mr Mohammed Shaheryar Ullah Sir with school authorities- Principal Mrs Falak Salah Ma'am, Vice-Principal Mr Habeebuddin Sir & Academic Coordinator Mrs Humera
Hon'ble Joint Secretary of MRUPS Society, Mr Mohammed Shaheryar Ullah Sir with the well deserving Student Council '24 of GEHS.
Hon'ble Joint Secretary of MRUPS Society, Advocate Mohammed Altamash Ullah Sir.
Hon'ble Director of GEHS & GKW and Secretary of MRUPS Society, Mr Mohammed Pasha Sahab.
A salute of respect to the Indian Flag by the esteemed Members of Management after the recital of National Anthem.
Th National Tiranga hoisted by Hon'ble Director of GEHS & GKW, Mr Mohammed Pasha Sir on 15th August 2024.
Hon'ble Director of GEHS & GKW and Secretary of MRUPS Society, Mr Mohammed Pasha Sir felicitating the winers of Independence Day Activities conducted in school.
Hon'ble Joint Secretary of MRUPS Society, Mr Mohammed Shaheryar Ullah Sir felicitating the winners of Debate Competition conducted as independence Day Activities.
Hon'ble members of management of GEHS & GKW, Director- GEHS & GKW and Secretary of MRUPS Society Mr Mohammad Pasha Sir, Joint Secretaries of MRUPS Society Advocate Mohammed Altamash Ullah Sir & Mr Mo
Hon'ble Joint Secretary of MRUPS Society, Mr Mohammed Shaheryar Ullah Sir delivering the Vote of Thanks on Independence Day.
Hon'ble Joint Secretary of MRUPS Society, Advocate Mohammed Altamash Ullah Sir felicitating the winners of Independence Day Activities conducted in school.
Respected Principal, Mrs. Falak Salah felicitating the GKW seniors on their Convocation Day.
School Academic Coordinator, Mrs. Humera Begum felicitating PP2 students on their Convocation Day.
School Vice Principal Mr. Habeeb Uddin Sir felicitating the PP2 students on their Convocation Day.
Hon'ble Joint Secretary of MRUPS, Mr. Mohammed Shaheryar Ullah Sir felicitating the best orators on 'Farm Animals Are Our Friends' Day in GKW.
Hon'ble Joint Secretary of MRUPS, Mr. Mohammed Shaheryar Ullah Sir with our tiny Gracians appreciating their zeal for participation in Days Celebrations.
Hon'ble Director Sir, Mr. Mohammad Pasha Sahab felicitating our tiny Gracians on Fruits Day Celebration in GKW.
School Academic Coordinator, Mrs Humera Ma'am felicitating the Huffaz of Juzz Amma on Milad Celebrations.
School Vice Principal, Mr. Habeeb Uddin Sir felicitating the Huffaz of Juzz Ammah on Milad Celebrations.
Respected Principal of GEHS, Mrs. Falak Salah Ma'am presenting a bouquet to our esteemed Chief Guest Janab Syed Ahmed Pasha Sahab on the occasion of Mawlid Al Nabi.
Hon'ble Joint Secretary, Mr. Mohammad Shaheryar Ullah Sir honoring Our Chief Guest Janab Syed Ahmed Pasha Sahab on the occasion of Mawlid Al Nabi.
Hon'ble Joint Secretary Advocate Mohammad Altamash Ullah Sir honoring Our Special Guests Janab Sohail QuadriAIMIM Corporator & Janab Hussaini Pasha Sahab AIMIM Corporator on Mawlid Al Nabi
Hon'ble Director of GKW & GEHS honoring our Chief Guest Janab Syed Ahmed Pasha Quadri Sahab , trusted member of AIMIM party on the occasion of Mawlid Al Nabi.
Hon'ble Joint Secretary, Mr. Mohammad Shaheryar Ullah Sir sharing his insightful words of wisdom & encouragement to the students on the occasion of Math Mania Event.
Student Council 2023 of GEHS presenting an Honor March for the Honorable Members of Management- Mr. Mohammad Pash Sahab, Director of GKW & GEHS and Advocate Mohammad Altamash Ullah Sir, Joint Secretar
School Academic Coordinator, Mrs Humera Ma'am felicitating the winners on Sports Day- Parvaaz 2023.
School Vice Principal, Mr. Habeeb Uddin Sir felicitating the winners on Sports Day - Parvaaz 2023
Respected Principal of GEHS, Mrs Falak Salah Ma'am felicitating the winners on Sports Day- Parvaaz 2023.
Hon'ble Joint Secretary of MRUPS, Advocate Mohammad Altamash Ullah Sir felicitating the winners on Sports Day- Parvaaz 2023
Hon'ble Director of GKW & GEHS, Mr. Mohammad Pasha Sir awarding the winners on the different competitions held on Sports Day- Parvaaz 2023.
Hon'ble Director of GKW & GEHS, Mr. Mohammad Pasha Sir and Joint Secretary Advocate Mohammad Altamash Ullah Sir in a regal click with the winning Cricket team on the Annual Sports Day- Parvaaz 2023 .
School Academic Coordinator, Mrs Humera Ma'am appreciating the winners of Spell Bee Contest.
Respected Principal of GEHS, Mrs. Falak Salah Ma'am felicitating the winners of Spell bee contest held in school.
Academic Coordinator, Mrs. Humera Ma'am discussing Child Psychology with the mothers of high school students on the Annual Meet.
A token of gratitude presented to Hon'ble Joint Secretary, Mr. Mohammad Shaheryar Ullah Sir by 10th class students (2023-24) on their Farewell.
Hon'ble Joint Secretary of MRUPS, Mr. Mohammad Shaheryar Ullah Sir felicitating students on memorizing Juzz Amma completely.
Hon'ble Joint Secretary of MRUPS, Advocate Mohammad Altamash Ullah Sir felicitating students on memorizing Juzz Amma completely.
The Hon'ble Members of Management -GKW & GEHS, Director Mr. Mohammed Pasha Sir, Joint Secretary Advocate Mohammad Altamash Ullah Sir & Joint Secretary Mr. Mohammad Shaheryar Ullah Sir and School Autho
Hon'ble Director of GKW & GEHS felicitating students on memorizing Juzz Amma completely.
Respected Principal of GEHS, Mrs. Falak Salah Ma'am appreciating mothers role and their contributions on shaping a child's future on the annual meet with mothers of pre-primary school.
Hon'ble Joint Secretary, Mr. Mohammad Shaheryar Ullah Sir motivating students to strive hard for any profession the students aspire for.
Hon'ble Director Sir, Mr. Mohammad Pasha & Joint Secretary, Mr. Mohammad Shaheryar Ullah Sir on stage with Principal, Mrs. Falak Salah Ma'am; Vice-Principal, Mr. Habeeb Uddin Sir & Academic Coordinato
The Hon'ble school management on the stage with the esteemed Chief Guest, Janab Pasha Quadri Sahab
Joint Secretary Mr. Mohammad Shaheryar Ullah Sir delivering Salam to mark the end of Milad Celebrations.
The Hon'ble Members of Management - Director of GKW & GEHS Mr. Mohammed Pasha Sir, Joint Secretary Advocate Mohammad Altamash Ullah Sir & Joint Secretary Mr. Mohammad Shaheryar Ullah Sir with School A